Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nothing to show

As my title hints, I have no idea what I've really been doing since my last post. I've fully divulged into summer mode, and I think it's about time to stop. My mornings are drawn out, usually lasting a good 2 hours+ from the time I actually wake up. Then, I do a lot of putzing around and musing through my thoughts. Unfortunately, this does not lead into any productivity. So, I'm going to make a better effort for the next week to actually do something with all my free time.

Friday, I worked in the evening and then went to Jackie's for a formal evening. Formal is really code for playing dress-up, but it was something to do, and the creativity even extended to getting sandwich and chicken finger platters. It ended up being really cute and a good time, and it was nice to see everyone in their fancy stuff, given that the next event where such a large number of friends being all dressed up together will probably be somebody's wedding in a few years. Personally, it made me reminisce about our bar mitzvah weekends in 7th grade, especially when the kitchen turned into a makeshift dance floor.

On the glorious 4th, I went over to the Gbig's for what we retitled a "casual dinner party," given that the small number of people meant too much food and actually sitting down at the table. When we started doing fireworks, more people trickled through. It was great seeing her when she was down, and I'm always amazed at how close we lived to each other, how we were involved in similar things throughout high school and, yet, we never knew each other. Weirdweirdweird. Overall, 4th of July weekend was a no biggie for me, with too much time spent on the Internet looking at all the sales. I got my obligatory grilling in the night before, as the mom's bf and his kids were back down for the weekend.

On the bright side, I'm supposed to get packages for the next 3 days from my little online spending spree. I love packages, but I think everyone does.

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