Wednesday I learned I had no cavities, had lunch with my dad and saw my grandparents. I'm not totally sure what I did on Thursday or Friday. It probably involved a lot of looking down at the beach and a lot of junk TV. Oh, and I also got a ginormous package of clothing I ordered online. Yahoo for that.
Saturday, I went to a high schooler's 17th birthday after work. Yes, you read that right. A friend's little sister had a birthday kegger and us older kids were there to "supervise." It was strange. I felt old and experienced. Mer.
Sunday, I had the delight of closing at work. On Monday, I returned a good half of the clothes I ordered since they didn't fit (which was actually my original plan - go me!) I also went to a bookstore to get some books. That last sentence was really redundant, sorry. But anywho, I hadn't been in a bookstore just to browse in forever. I really enjoyed it and need to make it a point to go once back in Gainesville as an escape.
Yesterday, I read by the pool for a bit and then went with my mom to my grandparents'. We ended up finding a little dachshund running around, played with it for awhile, decided to call it Frank, watched it try to hunt lizards and introduced it to splashing around in the lake, all to have it taken away by his fat little owners who didn't even thank us for taking care of him. Rude. On the bright side, I got empanadas and arepas to bring home.
Today was simple. I slept too late in between waking up from really weird dreams, hung out on the beach for a bit, made a cake using a recipe that used to be a favorite in high school and finished up some involvement applications. I should be going out, but the limited luxury of my couch and the proximity (or lack thereof) of my condo keeps me in. I go back to Gainesville in 10 days and am not ready to leave home.
I swear, nearly once a day, I go "I should update my blog." And then I don't. I don't know why I don't either. I suppose on my next one I will be better. I think part of the reason is this is a things-I-did blog, not something that I just scribble on.
By the way, I've decided to start a separate blog once my Facebook account is activated again, given that this blog purely had the purpose of documenting a summer that I couldn't share through obnoxious status updates and too many pointless photographs. Prepare for a new link to be posted on Bid Day.
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